FANUC A06B-6111-H002#H550
The FANUC A06B-6111-H002#H550 is a high-performance spindle amplifier module for industrial machine tools. It belongs to the Alpha Series of spindle amplifiers from FANUC, renowned for their dependability, accuracy, and sophisticated digital signal processing capabilities.
Technical Specifications of FANUC A06B-6111-H002#H550:
High-speed response, precise spindle motor speed, and torque control are two primary characteristics of the A06B-6111-H002#H550 spindle amplifier module. Advanced digital signal processing algorithms and high-performance hardware components achieve it.
The A06B-6111-H002#H550 spindle amplifier module's adaptability with different spindle motor types and specifications is one of its main selling points.
Various FANUC spindle motors and motors from other manufacturers that adhere to specified compatibility standards can be utilized with the module.
The module is suited for use in various industrial machine tools, including lathes, milling machines, and grinders, because it can manage a maximum output power of 22 kW. The module's maximum input voltage is 200-240 VAC, and its maximum input current is 90 A.
The module can control spindle motor torque with a resolution of 0.1% of the rated motor torque to provide extremely accurate and reliable torque control during machining processes.
Safety Features:
The FANUC A06B-6111-H002#H550 spindle amplifier module includes several safety features that help protect the spindle motor and the machine operator during machining operations.
The module's overcurrent prevention feature is one of its most important safety features. For example, when the spindle motor is overloaded, this function can detect and react to excessive current levels that may develop during a machining operation.
The spindle amplifier module has a thermal protection feature that can track the temperature and take appropriate action if it becomes too hot. The module can automatically shut down the system if its temperature rises above a predetermined level.
The fault detection feature of this module is another safety feature. This feature can identify several errors that could develop during machining operations, including wiring and feedback faults.
Heat Dissipation and Cooling Control:
The total heat dissipation by FANUC A06B-6111-H002#H550 is 75W, with a residual amount of heat in the cabinet equivalent to 37W.
It is designed to dissipate heat to the environment using its internal cooling system to manage the heat generated by the module. The built-in fan pulls cool air from the surroundings and blows it over the surface of the module's heat sink.
To reduce noise and increase reliability, the cooling fan utilized in this spindle amplifier module is designed to run at a relatively low speed. Additionally, the fan has a temperature sensor that can gauge the module's temperature and adjust the fan speed accordingly.
General Precautions:
Turn off the system and unplug the power source before installing or removing the module.
The module must be properly grounded to avoid electric shock and other electrical risks. Make that the grounding connection is solid and the ground wire is in good condition.
The A06B-6111-H002#H550 module is sensitive to vibration, which can damage its internal components. Make sure to firmly attach the module and tighten the mounting nuts to the specified torque.
Always abide by the manufacturer's safety instructions when using the machine tool. Verify the functionality of all safety measures, including emergency stop buttons and safety interlocks.
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